Hi! I am Chris, Your Art Encourager
I am here to make your arting journey a little bit easier
Christine M Fischer-Tonks

My friends call me Chris. I am an accidental homeschooling mama with 3 very active & creative boys.
When we started homeschooling, I did cute little crafty fun activities with my kiddos. But as they got older, they wanted to do "real art". I searched for programs and ideas to help, but did not find much out there. When I asked friends what they used to incorporate art into their homeschool, many told me they did not really do art. *GASP!*
My dream when I was younger was to be an artist. Those dreams got put on the back shelf as I found jobs that would bring in steady paychecks. Eventually becoming a mom & "homemaker" became my fulltime job. Now that I was a stay-at-home with kiddos asking me to up my game, it was time to dust off those dreams & get messy and artsy with my boys. The crazy thing was I became just as excited about art class as I did when I was a kid in school. It lead to me fulfilling my childhood dream to become a professional artist, and filling me with so much joy!
Soon after I started sharing my love of art with my local homeschool group. Each month we gathered for an "Arts in the Park" event where, kids & parents, would come together, learn about a different medium or art style, and just have some fun together being creative. THEN 2020 HAPPENED!!! And meeting in the park wasn't much of an option. Thank goodness for the internet because I got the group together via Facebook and we had some fun there doing some relaxing art and forgetting about the craziness in the world...if even for a little while.
I am not an art teacher. I am an art encourager. And I would love to help fill your life & home with fun art projects. Whether you are a homeschooler looking to put an art class in place in your home or simply someone who wants to play around with art, creating art is exciting, relaxing and...well, fun! I would love to help you dive into your creative, playful side. Looking forward to seeing all the amazing creations you will make.