How was your week? I had this awesome "list of things to do" put together. It was going to be an EPIC and productive week. And then I got sick. And then a whole lotta not much of anything got done. Have you ever had weeks like that? *sigh* Well, the good news is I am feeling better. My apologies ahead of time that my voice is still a little weak, it is in recovery mode.
The exciting thing that got me back into "work mode"? Doing a study of a Georges Seurat! YAY!! Georges Seurat was an Impressionist/Post-Impressionist artist. He was born in Paris, France on December 2, 1859. He studied the masters and loved color, eventually playing with the idea of creating paintings using nothing more than small dots of color, allowing the eyes to put the picture together.
I thought it would be fun to create our own Pointillism painting! I have been wanting to do a pointillism piece for years, but what better time than to do it now, right? And, to make it fun and easy, I thought we could give our brushes a break and use some cotton swabs. EEK!

So, what will you need to create your own pointillism painting? First you will probably want a reference photo. I used a photo of Seurat's "The Eiffel Tower", but you can use any picture you would like. You will need acrylic paints (any kind should work nicely, I used these), a surface to paint on (I used a canvas panel), and cotton swabs (and brand will probably work, but I actually had better results with the name brand swabs...the one with the cool "TIPS"). And that is about it. You may want some paper towels close by as your hands may get a little messy from this one. You will want a palette or paper plate to put your paint on, too.
I really hope you enjoy this video. I am really enjoying how fun and entertaining my editor is making these videos! And the project? Well, of course I hope you enjoy that, too!
I can't wait to see your painting when you complete it! Be sure to share it & tag it with #dontforgettheart . I hope you have fun creating some art and (more importantly) some memories. Happy arting, everyone!